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Study Shows that Pedestrians Are at Great Risk in Orange County

June 15, 2021
ped xing

In the Spring of 2021, a study concerning pedestrian safety in Orange County was reported on by the Orange County Register. Alarmingly, after evaluating the study, the Register concluded that, “While the tourist zones in Orange County are relatively safe for pedestrians, there is a notably higher risk for local pedestrians walking to work, school, shopping centers, or out for a job.  This is especially true in places like Anaheim, Irvine, and Costa Mesa where the threats are ever-present.”

Most American climates aren’t favorable for pedestrians, let alone those who aim to commute on foot year-round. Most of the country is, at one time or another, far too hot, cold, windy, or wet to allow for dependable “pedestrian conditions.” However, Orange County is – in terms of climate - a perfect place for pedestrians to travel. It is very rare that weather conditions fail to cooperate with the ordinary, basic needs of pedestrians. Unfortunately, road conditions, certain aspects of Southern California driving culture, and various travel-related hazards have made it consistently difficult for Orange County travelers who choose to commute and/or explore on foot to remain safe while wandering “from here to there.”

Orange County Pedestrian Safety Statistics

In 2020 alone, nearly 500 pedestrians were seriously hurt or killed while traveling on foot in Orange County. As noted by the Register, Northern Orange County residents of Costa Mesa, Anaheim, and Irvine are currently at the greatest risk of being struck while walking to work, school, or simply traveling in areas not geared towards tourists.

Interestingly, Orange County pedestrians fared far better in 2020 than they did in 2016 and 2017, when pedestrian accident rates peaked at nearly 900 incidents annually. However, there is strong reason to believe that the dip in accident rates during 2020 resulted – at least in part – from reductions in daily traffic due to pandemic-related lockdowns and work from home opportunities. In short, although fewer pedestrians were hurt on Orange County roadways in 2020, there isn’t significant reason to believe that pedestrians will be safer moving forward than they were when accident rates were much higher just a few years ago.

What Hazards Do Orange County Pedestrians Face?

Road-related infrastructure in the United States has long focused on the needs of motorists, not cyclists or pedestrians. Most of Southern California’s roadways were constructed at a time when sidewalks were considered an afterthought, crosswalks were constructed only when convenient, and infrastructure money was funneled anywhere but towards the goal of keeping non-motorized travelers safe. There is, unfortunately, good reason why popular culture frequently mocks how challenging it is to travel by foot in Southern California.

In addition to infrastructure that is (to put it mildly) not pedestrian-friendly, the Southern California driving culture also regularly contributes to the dangers that pedestrians face. Although certain forms of distracted driving are outlawed in the Golden State, drivers are regularly distracted by devices, food, entertainment, and a host of other influences that keep their minds off the task of driving and – all too frequently – their eyes off the road and hands off the wheel. Additionally, Southern California’s famously congested roads and stress-inducing traffic doesn’t help anyone traveling on Orange County roadways as safe as they could otherwise be.

How Can Motorists Help?

There have been a great many resources published concerning how pedestrians can keep themselves as safe as possible while on the road. However, there is only so much a pedestrian can do to stay safe when surrounded by fast-moving, massive machines driven by motorists with too much on their minds. Therefore, it is important for motorists to pay special attention to the needs of Orange County pedestrians. As the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is fond of repeating, “Safety is a shared responsibility.”

First and foremost, it is important for motorists to remain sober, alert, and as free from distraction as possible when behind the wheel. Too often, drunk, drugged, drowsy, and distracted drivers cause pedestrians harm that could be prevented if motorists would “simply” refrain from driving while intoxicated, impaired, overly tired, and/or distracted.

Second, it is important not to take your blind spots for granted, especially when backing up. A staggering number of children are harmed every year in back over accidents. Even if your car sounds an alarm when something moves into your rear view, don’t assume that your alarm is full proof. When backing up, merging, turning, and otherwise entering into vulnerable situations, check and re-check that you’re not about to cause others harm.

Third, be especially careful at night and when visibility is poor due to weather conditions or wildfire smoke. It only takes an instant to hit a pedestrian. Remaining particularly alert during times when their presence can be obscured is critical.

Finally, don’t be overly aggressive when driving, especially if you are on a roadway that boasts crosswalks, school zones, and/or areas of heavy pedestrian traffic.

Legal Assistance Is Available

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident while traveling as a pedestrian, cyclist, or motorized scooter rider, please know that there are options available to you under the law. Understandably, many accident victims feel powerless and overwhelmed in the wake of being struck by a motor vehicle. However, California law boasts some of the most generous protection and opportunities for legal recourse for accident victims in the nation. Even if you were partially to blame for the circumstances that led to your accident, you may be entitled to significant compensation at this time.

Please allow our experienced team to advise you of your legal options in a cost-free, no-risk, confidential setting. Our free consultations are pressure-free meetings that will allow you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and to raise any concerns that may be weighing on your mind during this challenging time. Should you choose to pursue legal action, our reputable team can provide you with the comprehensive, client-focused service you deserve. We look forward to speaking with you.

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